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From Setbacks to Success: Embracing Humility as a Leader

It happens to all of us. A key team member quits. Someone you thought you were tight with, someone you thought would be there forever. Someone you thought was all in and completely committed to you and your practice. They pull you aside and let you know they are moving on to another practice, one they feel is a better fit for their life. Ouch.

“How do I wish to be experienced right now?”

You know that tradition right after the new year where people pick a word and resolve to use that word throughout the year to guide them? This is the first year I am participating, and the word I chose was “calm.” Not because I am calm but rather because I often feel and react in a way opposite of calm. In addition, recently I humbly realized that the way in which my youngest daughter deals with stress is partly from watching me handle my own stress. Unfortunately, the model I have given her isn’t ideal. You see, I am improving greatly at staying calm under pressure but historically it hasn’t been my strongest attribute. Parenting is hard!

The first time I fired someone, I had no idea what I was doing.

The first time I fired someone, I had no idea what I was doing. I thought I did but looking back, I really didn’t. I was functioning well outside my comfort zone in an area I had little to no experience with, and I was figuring out this “being a boss” thing as I went. This was it. I was going to let a team member go. I recall the day in vivid detail.