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837: Are You Playing Checkers or Chess With Patients? – Dr. Jim McKee

If dentistry were a game, it’s checkers and chess. But how do you know when a case is one or the other? To help you win no matter which game you're playing, Kirk Behrendt brings back Dr. Jim McKee, founder of Chicago Study Club, to share how to distinguish simple from complex cases so you can increase treatment success. Stop playing chess with the rules of checkers! To learn how to master the game you're playing, listen to Episode 837 of The Best Practices Show!

836: 3 Reasons to Stop Adding Chairs – Christina Byrne

Growth can be exciting. But bigger isn't always better! To explain why you should think twice before adding more chairs, Kirk Behrendt brings back Christina Byrne, ACT’s director of operations, with advice for maximizing the chairs, patients, and time that you already have. Get better, not bigger! To learn the right questions to ask yourself before trying to expand, listen to Episode 836 of The Best Practices Show!

Drowning In Ideas? Focus To Save Your Practice

Ideas are like popcorn kernels. There’s a lot of them, and once they start popping, it’s hard to pick them all up! If this describes your everyday life, then you must be the entrepreneur of your team. You’re filled with many great ideas—so many, in fact, that they spill over the kettle, onto the table, and across the floor. You try to pick up every single idea, but there are just too many. If you pick up every idea that comes to mind, your team won’t know which ones to focus on.

834: Hygiene Exam Essentials Part 2: AAP Staging & Grading – Katrina Sanders

Over half of your patients have some form of periodontitis — and they don't even know it! How many are you letting walk out of your doors? It’s time to empower patients by helping them to understand and treat their disease. In this final part of her Master Class, Katrina Sanders, The Dental WINEgenist, shares key tools and resources to help you build confidence in diagnosing, treating, and improving the clinical outcomes of your perio patients. To get patients closer to 100% health, listen to Episode 834 of The Best Practices Show!

Eliminate Your Headaches with These 3 Strategies

One of the biggest sources of frustration for every dentist is the feeling of being overwhelmed—after all, you’re simultaneously a leader, and entrepreneur, and a clinician—and that constant juggling of roles takes a toll. The headaches drain and distract you, forcing you to lose sight of what matters most. What

833: Hygiene Exam Essentials Part 1: Innovations in Periodontics – Katrina Sanders

Data shows some disturbing facts. Over 60% of patients don't trust their dentists’ diagnosis! When the disease in question doesn’t hurt patients, it complicates things even further. So, how do you build trust with skeptical patients who are reluctant to get treatment? In this lecture of a two-part Master Class, Katrina Sanders, The Dental WINEgenist, shares how to incorporate innovative tools, products, and thinking to build trust, maximize production, and improve clinical outcomes. To learn how to get patients closer to 100% health, listen to Episode 833 of The Best Practices Show!

No More Excuses! Make Accountability Rule #1

Is a team member just skating by? They take the last paper towel and think, “Someone else will refill that.” Or, they see an empty toilet roll and say, “That’s not my job.” If it’s not in their job description, they won’t do it.

832: Crystal Clear Success: How Crafting a Vision Creates Success – Miranda Beeson & Heather Crockett

If you don't know where you're going, how do you know how to get there? Having a clear vision is the first step to success. But how do you find time and energy to plan? To give you some motivation, Miranda Beeson and Heather Crockett, two of ACT’s amazing coaches, share a simple framework for crafting your ideal vision for your practice and your life. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail! To learn how a little bit of planning will skyrocket your success, listen to Episode 832 of The Best Practices Show!

831: Beyond Single-Tooth Solutions – Miranda Beeson

Patients don't know what they need — until you show them! Without talking about comprehensive care, they will never know that they want or need it for better overall health. To help you start the conversation with patients, Kirk Behrendt brings back Miranda Beeson, ACT’s director of education, to explain what it means to be comprehensive, why it’s important, and how it will transform patient care and your practice. To learn how to transition from reactive, single-tooth dentistry to proactive, comprehensive care, listen to Episode 831 of The Best Practices Show!

830: 3 Steps to Elevate Your Patient’s Experience – Heather Crockett

People buy things they want — not what they need! So, how do you make patients want your dentistry? One way is with a fantastic patient experience. To help you “wow” your new, existing, and future patients, Kirk Behrendt brings back Heather Crockett, one of ACT’s amazing coaches, with three steps to make your patients feel heard, valued, and understood. To learn how to make your practice the best dental home, listen to Episode 830 of The Best Practices Show!

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